Waterproofing Terminology It Pays To Know
When it comes to waterproofing a basement or any area in the home, it is always best to keep a general understanding of the commonly used terms in waterproofing jobs so that you know exactly what will be happening in your home. Waterproofing can help to save a homeowner a great deal of money, and it’s always best to prepare your home rather than repair your home, and this is precisely what waterproofing does!
Some commonly used terms in waterproofing that it pays to know are:
• Absorption – Absorption is the method of water accumulating into the cells of a structure. As water absorbs and accumulates in a surface, mold is more likely to take up residence.
• Black mold – Black mold is a particularly dangerous type of mold that can grow from standing water in a basement or other non-waterproofed area of the home. This type of mold greatly effects air quality in the home or building and can cause residents of the structure to become ill.
• Carbon fiber – Carbon fiber is a type of material used to close cracks in basement walls, and since this material is not permeable, it can help to stop leaks from entering a structure through these cracks.
• Dehumidifier – A dehumidifier is a type of device used to take moisture out of the air. If a basement is prone to dampness due to condensation, the use of a dehumidifier to reduce or eliminate the dampness is often recommended.
• Mildew – A type of mold that clings to and grows upon a structure exposed to moisture or dampness.
• Sump pump – A pump often used in basements, it’s job is to pump water out of a structure and carry it away safely to avoid water accumulation.
We at AA Action Waterproofing want our customers to stay well informed when they have work done on their basements to keep them sufficiently waterproofed, and learning just some of the common terminology used during these jobs is an easy way to take the first step in understanding just what the job may entail. With the recent polar vortexes being experienced across the country, and the big melts that have occurred after each fresh layer of snow, your basement and your home can find themselves under water quite quickly, leading to expensive property damage and even costlier repairs. We strive to provide our customers with the safe and protected basements they deserve, no matter what the weather may have in store. To learn more about the common terms used in basement waterproofing services, contact us at AA Action Waterproofing today!