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Are Your Clogged Gutters Causing Basement Leakage?

With autumn not too far off in the future and winter sure to follow once it does, it is important to remain prepared for the snowy months ahead. When you think about what you need to do to protect your home from moisture, you typically think of the basics; filling in the foundation cracks or a little sump pump maintenance.

However, when is the last time you took a good look at your gutters?

When did you last take the time to properly clean out your gutters?

While you may not believe it, clogged gutters have a significant impact on the health of your basement and crawl space. As leaves and debris begins to fill up and clog your gutters, they end up reducing the amount of water your gutters will be able to hold and slow down the water flow. Even worse, when the gutters become completely clogged, it can overflow, dumping a large amount of water near your foundation walls.

When this large amount of water dumps against the foundation walls, it could do one of these few things.

  1. Splash against your foundation and leaking into the sill place, the windows, and the foundation cracks.
  2. Water pools against your house, greatly increasing the soil saturation and water pressure and potentially causing leaks in your basement.
  3. Fills up and overwhelms your existing exterior drainage systems that you may already have in place and increasing the chance of basement seepage.

As you can imagine, the best way to prevent your gutters from clogging is to keep up with regular cleaning, especially during the autumn months. However, that is not the only way you can prevent basement leaking.

Here at AAA Waterproofing, we strive to exceed your expectations in waterproofing, foundation repair, and mold remediation. With over 28 years of experience, there has never been a damp basement or crawlspace encapsulation that we could not handle. Contact us today to learn more about our services!

This entry was posted in Foundation Repair on August, 02, 2016