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Basement Dry

Tips to keep your Interior Basement dry

One of the most overlooked parts of our houses, basements are only tended to when they start to rot due to moisture or infestation by any bacteria. 

The health of the interior basement contributes to the overall health of the house and the occupants, i.e., you and your loved ones. This is why it is essential to keep the interior basement dry either by hiring Waterproofing professionals in Maryland or periodically managing it yourself. 

Wondering what problems could a basement ridden with moisture could possibly lead to?

Allow us to brief you on it:

  • Water damage in the interior basement can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can result in allergies.
  • The airborne bacteria, which thrive on dark and damp areas, can cause harmful infections in humans and pets at home.
  • Not known to many, dust mites also thrive in a damp environment and make a colony in your basement leading to bouts of sneezes, itchiness in the eyes, and other respiratory problems. 
  • Damp basement also attracts other pests such as spiders, cockroaches, mice, thereby threatening the structural integrity of the home and health of the occupant gravely. 

Now that you know how dangerous a damp basement can be, let’s have a look at some of the tips that you can implement to keep your interior basement Continue reading →

Want To Keep Your Basement Dry? Here’s How.

Most homeowners probably visit their basement at least once or twice a month, right? Even though the basement is a major part of the house, some homeowners do not give much thought to its maintenance; yet, if something goes wrong in the basement, it can lead to havoc in the rest of the house. There may be problems with the plumbing, drainage, and other areas. Professionals at A A Action Waterproofing recommend regular inspections in your basement to ensure it remains in good condition.

The most common problems that can occur in a basement are mainly caused by moisture that accumulating in areas such as cracks in walls, older pipes, and more. In fact, moisture can spread rapidly all over the house and cause breathing problems, especially in young children. We at A A Action Waterproofing do not want you to go through such situations. That’s why we provide quality waterproofing service.

We advise you follow these steps to keep your basement dry:

Keep water away from the basement

Outdoor fixtures such as downspouts and gutters can create standing water in the basement. You need to ensure that such areas are well-maintained, cleaned, and inspected regularly to prevent any leakage or blockage. Also, keep an eye out for any sinking, sloping, or drainage issues in the foundation and treat them Continue reading →