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Time To Winterize Your Home

Time To Winterize Your HomeWe’ve said goodbye to summer in all of its warm and sunny glory. We’ve ushered in fall, viewed the stunning leaf-show, and watched them let loose from their tree hosts one by one. We notice the dead branches and heave a sigh; winter is coming soon.

You may be a person who enjoys the snow as it falls in dazzling beauty, and of course it’s always nice to have a White Christmas. Maybe you like to ski or do other outdoor winter sports. And maybe you dread the coming cold and consider moving to a sub-tropical location each January. Virginia and Maryland certainly have gotten more than their fair share of snow in recent years! No matter how you view the winter months, the time has come to winterize your home to guard against the damage that cold, snow, and the dreaded ice storm can bring. Taking care of your home now will save you from costly repairs in the spring. Besides, spring will bring its own set of problems with snow melt and runoff, so why not protect yourself now?

What You Can Do

One of the biggest things you can do to get your home ready for winter is to make sure that it is free from drafts. Keeping warm is your number one priority, but saving on energy costs is a close second. Consider plastic for the windows, or even caulking and weather-stripping. Keep drafts from coming in under doors by replacing damaged draft stoppers. Make sure that the furnace is running at top performance. Keep your bathroom and cooking areas well ventilated so that mold does not get a chance to grow.

Call A Contractor

Check your roof for missing shingles or leaks and be sure to have them replaced or repaired. Weatherproof your plumbing by draining outdoor spigots and have a contractor blow out the pipes if need be. Insulate your pipes to ensure that they won’t freeze in extreme temperatures. Have your basement waterproofed to be sure that it stays warm and dry. Repair cracks in the foundation, basement walls or floors before they get out of hand.

Call AA Action Waterproofing for any waterproofing or repair work that you need done. We offer free estimates at no risk to you. You can enjoy the winter when your home is protected and secure. Let’s hope that the snow holds off just a bit this year!

This entry was posted in Basement Waterproofing on December, 11, 2015