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Mold Remediation Bel Air

Mold Remediation In Bel Air, MD – Mold Problem Explained

Bel Air, Maryland might not have the same reputation as its California cousin, but it’s one of the more sizable towns in the state, has a lot of decent families living here, and a lot of history is packed into its town limits, with everything from fires that couldn’t keep the town down to playing a role in the fight against racism in the last century. It might be more well known for its quiet, Ma and Pa walking trail today, but there’s a lot of pride and stories in the town, and it’s only going to get better.

But despite all the great things Bel Air has going for it, there is one problem that most people probably aren’t aware of. It’s difficult to pinpoint unless people are willing to pay attention over the long term, and it is mold. Fortunately there are Bel Air mold remediation experts to explain and deal with problem if you need help.

Where Mold Comes From

The first thing any home or building owner needs to understand is that mold is already potentially in your home. Mold falls under its own “kingdom” the fungus, along with mushrooms and yeast, because it has the properties of both plant and animal without being either one. Unlike animals, it doesn’t need to eat food as we understand it to survive, and unlike plants, it doesn’t need sunlight either. This makes it extremely versatile and adaptable, especially when combined with the way it reproduces, which is to simply fill the air with spores. Those spores can attach themselves to clothing as you go outside and come back in, or simply drift into a home through vents or any time a door or window is opened.

This is why bread gets moldy when you leave it alone; the mold spores were already in the area, they were just waiting for the right conditions to start growing. Unless you have an airtight building with a quarantine procedure for decontaminating you in the same way that high tech companies and medical facilities work, there’s little chance of keeping mold spores out of your home. The only thing you can do is prevent them from gaining a foothold by not providing ideal conditions for the spores to settle down and start a colony. There are numerous methods and strategies that a Bel Air mold remediation team can implement in this regard.

How Mold Problems Begin

Mold has different very different needs from plants and animals for prospering, and, unfortunately, the conditions that mold looks for are very easy to meet. Most people have them without even realizing it. Mold prefers darker, out of the way places, without a lot of direct sunlight. A lot of mold also likes wetter, more humid environments. This is why Maryland’s hot, humid summers are a particularly risky time for mold to develop, although bathrooms—which often show one type of mold, mildew—and basements, attics, or crawlspaces can all be prime candidates for mold to settle down and start a colony. Even laundry, or a carpet that gets wet and isn’t dried out within 48 hours may be just what the more opportunistic forms of mold are looking for to start their colonies. In other words, just being neglectful about the presence of moisture in your home is enough to let mold get to work.

Once the mold has attached itself to a surface, it will begin the quiet process of spreading out. This will be difficult to spot in the beginning, as different types of mold have different appearances and textures, so if you don’t spend a lot of time in your basement, attic or crawlspace in particular, it may be very easy to dismiss the early signs of mold infestation as just a little bit of dust or dirt on a wall, corner, or piece of construction. However, the mold will continue to grow and spread, eventually sending out more and more spores into the air, which is where that familiar musty smell we associate with basements and attics comes from. That smell means you’re breathing in mold spores, and if it’s strong, even suffocating, it means the mold colony is large and thriving.

What You Can Do: Hire A Mold Remediation Bel Air

When a mold infestation is small, you may be able to deal with it yourself. This is especially true in the case of bathrooms, where the mold is growing on hard, non-porous surfaces like tile. Retail mold killing products will usually be enough to handle jobs on this scale. However, when mold has spread significantly, such as when it has grown under your carpet and you didn’t notice until it occupied a space equivalent to nearly the entire floor, or it has taken over a crawlspace, or taken up residence in the dry wall, this is a complex problem that you should really leave to a mold remediation Bel Air team. They will have the experience and expertise to deal with the situation.

Because of the potential health risks involved with certain kinds of mold, you should never attempt to clean out mold without some kind of air filtration. This is whey when Bel Air mold remediation teams take on a big job, they will purify the air, as well as wear protective outfits and masks for health and safety. They will also kill the mold with a biocide, treat the space if required with a chemical whitewash to prevent mold from growing again, and advise you on what changes you need to make to your home—whether it’s installing a dehumidifier or waterproofing your basement—in order to prevent more mold from colonizing the space.

If you live in Bel Air and would like know more about the mold remediation process, don’t hesitate to get in touch with AA Action Waterproofing. We’ll be more than happy to consult with you.