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What You Should Know About Hydrostatic Pressure

One of the biggest enemies our basement has is water. No one likes to spot moisture or water popping up in their basement and rightly so. Water can cause a large amount of damage to your basement and your home.

If you are concerned about the moisture state of your basement, it is important for you to understand just what hydrostatic pressure is to begin with.

So What Is Hydrostatic Pressure?

Hydrostatic pressure is a term that is used to describe the force exerted by water which results from the total weight of the water. Due to the pull of gravity on the water, this pressure increases as the depth of the water increases.

This hydrostatic pressure is also experienced by the water within the soil that is surrounding your foundation. For example, when it rains, that water is absorbed by the soil. The water in the soil as a result exerts a pressure against your foundation walls.

However, this hydrostatic pressure can also result from the water that was already in the soil. The amount of hydrostatic pressure that is exerted onto your basement walls will depend on the level of ground water. For example, if your home is located near a large body of water like a lake, then the water in the ground is bound to be quite high.

So Why Should I Be Concerned About Hydrostatic Pressure?

You should be concerned because it has a serious effect on your foundation walls. Hydrostatic pressure can exert a force of around 60 pounds per cubic foot. That total amount of pressure will depend on the level of saturation of the soil currently surrounding your basement. This pressure, if left unchecked, can cause gaps and cracks in your foundation. This in turn can result in water leakage, flooding, mildew, and mold. None of which are pleasant to have in your home.

So What Can I Do?

Sadly, hydrostatic pressure is a part of nature. Still, you can help to reduce the effects on the walls of your foundation by contacting a professional basement waterproofing service such as AAA Waterproofing. We have the experience and expertise you need to ensure that your foundation walls never have to feel the hydrostatic pressure.

This entry was posted in Structural Damage on July, 30, 2016