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Foundation Repair Highland Beach

Foundation Repair Highland Beach
With breathtaking views, and beautiful landscapes, Highland Beach is regarded as one of the luxurious areas along the Chesapeake Bay. Founded in the summer of 1893 by Charles Douglass, the son of the legendary abolitionist Frederick Douglass, Highland Beach became a gathering place for many upper-class African American families at the time. Many well respected residents and guests at the time included Paul Robeson, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, and poet Langston Hughes.

Nowadays, Highland Beach is year-round town, but its heritage is as rich as ever. Many residents are descendants of the original settlers, and have chosen not to permit commercial establishments into their town. By doing so, Highland Beach has developed an unique and distinctive character, that only it possesses throughout the country.

There are about sixty homes that make up Highland Beach, most of which have been around since the birth of the town. With the constant presence of water from the Chesapeake Bay and the weather, these houses have been known to suffer foundational damage, such as bowed walls and even home displacement. In order to preserve the culture and architecture of these great homes, you must seek foundation repair in Highland Beach if you believe your home is in jeopardy.

Inspecting The Foundation Of Your Highland Beach Home

When beginning an inspection of your home, start with the foundation itself. This underlying support is never supposed to show any noticeable signs of structural damage. Look for any vertical, horizontal, or zigzagging hairline cracks, along with any ruptures of gaps. The sloping, sagging, and buckling of foundation floors and walls is also something to watch out for. Moisture, whether it’s a pool of water or a gathering of mold is also something to be on the lookout for. These are all signs that foundation repair in Highland Beach is needed. These types of inspections should be conducted both inside and outside of your Highland Beach home.

Having improper water drainage is one of the leading causes for foundation repair in Highland Beach. Soil around the home will expand during wet spells and contract during dry ones, resulting in unnatural soil shifting. This process can put tremendous pressure on the underlying foundation of the home. On top of being the major reason for foundation repair in Highland Beach, improper water drainage is also a sign that foundation failure has already taken place. Cracks that are present in the foundation will allow water to seep down into lower levels of the soil, resulting in excessive moisture.

Having water damage requires immediate attention. As a homeowner, you can check if your Highland Beach home is in danger by inspecting the soil around your property. Check to see if the soil is unnaturally wet, assuming that no rainfall had recently occurred, or if it’s unusually dry. Water damage may also be invisible to us. In order to identify any invisible leaks, shut off all water-based appliances, check the water meter and record the exact readout. After waiting six to twelve hours, check your water meter again to see if anything changed. If there is a change, this may mean that a leak exists behind the wall or underneath the floor of your home.

Save Your Home And Seek Foundation Repair

Having foundation damage can be extremely overwhelming. However, you need to act upon this problem sooner rather than later. If you’re in need of foundation repair in Highland Beach, contact our reputable foundation repair company for all of your needs. Having worked in the Maryland area for nearly 30 years, we understand the foundation repair process and will guide you through every step of the process.