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Basement Waterproofing Kingsville

Basement Waterproofing Kingsville
Located on the outskirts of the Baltimore metro area, Kingsville is an idyllic semi-rural community that does not look too far removed from its agricultural roots. Even so, Kingsville is one of the more prosperous communities along the mid-Atlantic coast.

Unfortunately, Kingsville still experiences the unpredictable storms typical of the mid-Atlantic: winter blizzards, spring thunderstorms, and summer hurricanes. These storms can dump most of the 44 inches of precipitation Kingsville sees on an average year in a very short time span.

This may not be much of an issue for some other regions, but Kingsville, sandwiched in between Little Gunpowder Falls river and Big Gunpowder Falls river, is especially prone to flooding following a storm.

Excess water from flooding can find its way into the soil, and, over time, leak its way into your basement, causing extensive and expensive damage to area homes. Basement waterproofing in Kingsville is an important and effective way to prevent damage to your home’s basement.

The Effects Of Leaking Water

So what’s the big deal with water? Water in the soil, if it doesn’t drain away from the foundation properly, can find its way into your basement through cracks and gaps in the foundation. Even if your foundation is in pristine condition, over time, water will simply go through concrete walls via capillary action.

Water in the basement will damage furnishings or any boxes you may have stored in the basement. It can also damage paint and wallpaper, and in extreme cases, cause drywall in your basement to warp and bow.

Mold is an even larger concern than simple property damage. The normally dark and cool environment of the basement, combined with moisture, allows mold to take hold and spread quickly. Mold is not just unpleasant to look at and smell, it can cause real health problems for you and your family. The spores and toxins released by mold can aggravate the symptoms of those with mold allergies, and cause respiratory problems in otherwise healthy individuals.

Fixing A Leaky Basement

Depending on the cause of your leaky basement, there are some simple steps you can take to keep your basement clear of excess moisture:

• Air out your basement – A lot of times, excess moisture in the air can cause or exacerbate your basement water problems. Open up all the windows and doors in your basement and get some heavy duty fans to circulate the air in your basement. Doing this periodically will help drive some of the excess moisture out of your basement.
• Climate control – If you have air conditioning in your basement, try to keep it warm, especially in the winter. Warming up your basement will prevent condensation on the walls that contributes to a wet basement. You can also use a dehumidifier to regulate the moisture level in the air.
• Patch Obvious Cracks – Look for any obvious cracks in your foundation walls or floor, and check for gaps in the seams where the walls meet the floor or ceiling. Patching these cracks with polyurethane caulk or hydraulic cement can prevent some types of leaks.

If these DIY methods don’t work, it may be necessary to call a company that specializes in basement waterproofing in Kingsville like AA Action Waterproofing. AA Action Waterproofing provides quality, cost-effective basement waterproofing solutions for leaky basements caused by a variety of factors. A key part of our business is our mold remediation service, which ensures that all traces of mold are removed from your home.

About AA Action Waterproofing

AA Action Waterproofing is a family owned and operated business serving the mid-Atlantic area including Maryland, D.C., Northern Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. We have been protecting homes in the mid-Atlantic for over 28 years, and we have never encountered a basement or foundation problem we couldn’t handle.

We take the utmost pride in our work. Unlike some other companies that provide basement waterproofing in Kingsville we don’t use any subcontractors to ensure that only the best quality workmanship and materials are used on our projects. We are fully licensed, insured, and bonded, and our work comes with a lifetime warranty.

If you need basement waterproofing in Kingsville, call AA Action Waterproofing for a free, no-obligation inspection and estimate today.