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Basement Waterproofing Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase is blessed with a quiet, modest, affluent community that enjoys the privileges of wealth and good fortune without being loud or dramatic about it. The expensive homes of the area, and Columbia Country Club are a sign of the emphasis on quality education the town has, even going so far as to host the National Science Bowl. As small as this area is, it is a town of good fortune that values the rewards that the hard work of its residents have put in to earn this quiet life of privilege.

And that’s why it’s so important for residents, with such gorgeous, polished homes, to pay attention not just to what’s happening to their homes on the outside or the inside, but underfoot as well. With all the work that homeowners have put into maintaining a beautiful, expensive home, it would be unfortunate if all the effort was undone by water coming into the basement. Water can endanger the welfare of an entire building if the same care and attention that was put into the home’s care was not paid to basement waterproofing in Chevy Chase.

Water Is A Hidden Threat

It’s easy to look at a home and decide to spend money on repairs and renovations that everyone can see, such as a new room, better windows, an improved roof, or work on the kitchens and bathrooms. These are elements of a home that people live in and interact with every day, so the value of this kind of spending is never in question.

But the basement of a home is not just a room or space that happens to be on a lower level. A basement is actually an important part of a home’s architecture, housing vital support systems like the furnace, air conditioner and water heater. It also plays a crucial role in maintaining the home’s structure as it is part of the foundation, and is designed to hold up the home by distributing the weight of structure above evenly throughout. It also acts as a subterranean “roof,” keeping things out from underground in the same way the roof repels foreign objects from above.

So if you’re finding water in your basement, this is a sign that something is wrong, and if left unattended, this problem will only get worse and become more costly.

Water in your basement is especially bad if you have already spent a considerable amount to finish your basement. Carpets, rugs, drywall and electrical wiring are all vulnerable to excessive amounts of water in your basement. Without addressing the source of the water penetration, repairing these renovations will have to occur again and again until the water finally stops coming in.

Beyond that, water coming into the basement can also damage the basement and foundation itself. It’s not the water that you see in the basement that is true threat, but the vast amounts of water you don’t see, of which the water that penetrates the basement is just a small fraction. If enough water has gathered to force small amounts directly through walls or floors, this means that a sizable amount of hydrostatic pressure is pressing against your basement. Left to its own devices, this pressure can bow the walls of the basement or even crack floors. This water can even move the soil that parts of your foundation sit on, meaning that an entire home can slowly tip or even tear itself apart. But basement waterproofing in Chevy Chase can rectify all this.

Professional Results

AA Action Waterproofing has years of experience helping people all throughout Maryland with their wet basement issues. If you need waterproofing in Chevy Chase, we will come down to consult with you, hear your concerns, and then conduct a professional assessment of the areas you’ve already noted. We’ll continue our inspection using our experience and equipment to determine the exact cause of why water is coming into your basement, and once we have discovered this cause, the final piece of the puzzle to solving your basement water problem will have clicked into place.

Once we understand why the water is coming in, we can implement a solution to permanently stop the problem. Depending on our findings, we will suggest any number of procedures. For areas that are prone to large amounts of water accumulating due to rainfall coming in from higher inclines, a French drain and sump pump system can effectively capture and redirect any incoming water to other areas before it penetrates the basement. If water is being forced in through the walls, a membrane system installed around the outside of the foundation may be a perfect, permanent solution. AA Action Waterproofing understands that every home is unique, and so is the challenge it faces with water in the basement. We ensure that the solution we find for you is tailored to the unique needs of you and your home.