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3 Solutions For Your Leaky Basement Windows

The basement windows can be a very common place for you to find a leak in your basement. Naturally, the basement itself can be pretty susceptible to water intrusion as it is. Having a window below ground can make this an especially vulnerable weak spot for water and moisture. That is why it is so important that basement windows get the waterproofing support and repair they need to keep your basement moisture-free.

1. Replace The Windows

Occasionally, the problem will lie with the window itself. The panes might be broken or the frame may be worn down. Older basement windows are especially vulnerable because their metal or wood frames end up wearing down quite a bit. New basement windows with a choice of vinyl or aluminum frames can help you to fix the issue.

If you are planning to replace the basement windows, you might want to consider enlarging them or by having an egress window installed. Even if you are not planning to convert your basement into a living space at the moment, but are hoping to remodel your basement in the future, then the first thing that will need replacing will be the windows. Egress windows are currently required by code for all basements and bedrooms.

That aside, enlarging the windows and replacing the window wells will help to allow more natural light into your home and even give you an escape from the basement if there is ever a fire or other natural disaster to worry about.

2. A Positive Slope

Even with your new windows installed, a basement leak can still occur. You need to make sure that there is a positive slope surrounding the foundation with the grade sloping away from the foundation wall. You should never have the slope channeling water toward your foundation walls.

3. The Window Well And Yard Drainage

The same thing goes for your yard drainage. There have been times where yard drainage had been dumping water straight into the homeowner’s window well and caused some serious damage. Even with the right waterproofing built into the window well, having excess water straining the well is not a good thing for your basement windows. Never allow water to be dumped directly next to your foundation walls or basement windows. Do not let the window well fill up with debris. This will block the drainage components of the window well and harm its ability to keep water out of your basement.

So make sure that your yard drainage is working properly and to keep downspouts and gutters clean so that they will be in good working order.

Remember that the first line of defense to keeping your basement moisture free is to get your basement waterproofed by the professionals themselves. Contact AAA Waterproofing today to learn more about your waterproofing options.

This entry was posted in Water Damage on July, 24, 2016